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Who Knew! -  Wrapping a scarf loosely over the nose and mouth could help avoid a life-threatening asthma attack.

Who Knew! - Wrapping a scarf loosely over the nose and mouth could help avoid a life-threatening asthma attack.

The icy air from Siberia that we’re all experiencing has brought the coldest spell in the UK in five years, with temperatures predicted to drop to -12C in some areas. No, this is not another weather warning, but more an important message for all asthma sufferers!

Dr Andy Whittamore, clinical lead at Asthma UK, said: "This cold snap is worrying for people with asthma because it puts them at a higher risk of life-threatening asthma attacks. This is because cold or damp air can enter the airways of people with asthma and trigger them to go into spasm, causing asthma symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest.

With temperatures plummeting, it is important people with asthma make sure they check weather forecasts and carry their reliever inhaler with them at all times.”

We all know at least one person who suffers from asthma and living in the UK means that cold weather is impossible to avoid over winter.  For people with asthma, simply wrapping a scarf around their nose and mouth can warm up the air before they breathe it in, reducing their risk of having an asthma attack.  Who knew!?

Breathing in cold, damp air can make the airways tighten and trigger an attack in three out of four people, charity Asthma UK says.  Four million people with asthma in the UK say that breathing in cold winter air makes their asthma symptoms worse.  Of course a scarf can save a life but it's not a replacement for asthma medicines!

The charity's annual #Scarfie campaign says wrapping a scarf loosely over the nose and mouth could help avoid a life-threatening asthma attack.

Its message 'a scarf could save a life', is backed by celebrities including Stephen Fry, Olympic athlete Jo Pavey and This Morning's GP Dr Ranj Singh.

Here at Mittata we whole-heartedly endorse this message, so if you are venturing out in these current harsh conditions, asthma sufferer or not, please stay safe and wrap up warm!

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